Monday, October 1, 2012

Moving on Up.

Sorry I haven't posted anything lately. 
But I have been so busy, as you could guess from the post name.
 We are moving!!!!!
The View from our porch.
This is the first time I have EVER moved, and I'm pretty stressed!
Almost everything has to be repainted or fixed up or something, so I have been driving a hour there and a hour back every day for about two weeks now. Boy does it make me tired! But it's totally worth it!
Because Nick works 10-12 hours a day my Mom and Sister have been life savers, helping me paint and what not. They are pretty awesome ladies!
So Far we have the master bedroom painted,
Living room painted and carpet almost up!
Today we pretty much got the kitchen painted!!!

We only have two more rooms to paint and then
 put flooring in and we will have our own love shack!
So exciting and so stressful!
Is anyone else moving and remodeling? 
How is it going for ya'll?
